Battles are real..

“I am on a battlefield of.. Deaths, sickness.. etc… in the past months”
I wish to use this opportunity to thank those supporting, loving and caring for me.

As the night takes over me
Darkness is my only friend.
Fear, embraces every inch of me,
Excitement, anxiousness becomes my master.. (even though i try staying strong)

Deep breath…
After Hours, months of sever battles. My body is totally rendered wretched. My soul and body is left with wounds to mend.

After all the happenings.. deaths,
Sickness and more
There is a reason to fight for my being here alive.
There is a future to build a solid self upon. Great things to withness.
There is hope in every morrow.
Sadness and sorrows are not mine to borrow.
My soul deserves the best now, more than ever, to move on and survive.

(May the soul of my father-in- law and those dear to me rest in perfect peace.)

“Dark days are necessary.
Just as important as the rest,
For if we didn’t have the worst.
We couldn’t recognise the best”

-Anonymous –

Maureen Lermer 8/2017